You are free to do as we tell you.

There is an agreement in Belgium to sign the CETA deal with Canada, we can all go back to sleep now, the power of global economics has beaten local worries and questions about sovereignty yet again. The whole debate made it clear to me that 'europe' is not and can not -ever- be for the people it claims to represent. We call it the E.U. 'European Union' we used to call it the EEC, which was a little bit more honest, because that included the extra 'E' for economic. It's all about trade and economy and that takes first place above local and cultural concerns, or working practices. Multinationals rule the world, for them it's easy , more and more produce is being concentrated in less and less hands, hands that don't have to reckon with 'democratic' elections -all the CEO's and corporate magnates have to do is make sure the shareholders keep increasing their dividends and they are in the clear. Politicians have to get elected every few years...