Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Put more sugar in their diet, 

put more lard on the arse, 

feed ‘em breed ‘em.

Keep ‘em plugged in and switched on,

let them consume, consume consume.

Don’t forget to tell ‘em this is paradise and that they are happy, 

give ‘em whacky DJs and feel-good tunes, 

give ‘em Adele and Coldplay for the sad days, 

pour it in pour it on. 

Just keep ‘em occupied, occupy their brain, no time for pain, keep ‘em running, keep ‘em scared.

Zero hours contract and zero-hours truth. 

Give ‘em sport, give ‘em a flag, 

give ‘em an enemy within and another without. 

Let ‘em worry, worry…

and on Fridays give ‘em a curry.