
Showing posts from February, 2017

The future is bright.....

So, Donald the Trump wants to expand the Nuclear Arsenal of the USA, he wants to be be 'top of the pile' in the arms race. I get it, national security is important, but how many times do you have to be able to destroy the planet before you realise that Atomic bombs are only an option once we've decided to end all life on this rock? The 'nukes' are not a 'strategic' option they are just a reminder to everyone that whoever uses it will start a chain effect that could wipe us all out, so there goes the 'National Security' argument. You can only have National Security when there is a Nation to Secure, after a 'nuke war' once the radioactive dust has settled, it'll just be the reality version of 'The Walking Dead'. So World leaders (the psycho ones) will start dick waving and trying to outdo each other on the "We can destroy the planet more times than you" scale. Money will not be poured into relieving hunger, illness and c...

Shelf Life.

I don't know how some people do it, every day a 'blog', pretty intense if you ask me. I manage about one a month. I write more than that but then think 'why would anybody want to know my thoughts on that' and then I delete it (I get enough time to speak rubbish when I'm on stage). We seem to be living in an age of total connectivity , and yet more and more people are crying out for attention. 'Blogs' 'Vlogs' 'Social media' etc etc ,posting photos of where we are, telling people what we are up to, what we are eating etc etc etc. I think it's time to step back and evaluate what we are doing. This life we have is not infinite, there is shelf life attached to it, the difference is 'shelf life' is determined, our life can be snapped away from us in an instant, an accident or illness is not always within our control, we can be here today, gone tomorrow. I don't really think that anyones last words have or ever will be "I ...