
Showing posts from August, 2019


My T-shirt was made in Bangladesh, I'm not part of a solution I'm part of the mess. I know that it's wrong I'm nobody's fool But I'm minimum wage But still need to look Cool Trapped in the system A rat on the wheel this is it this is life this is the deal.

The They

Who are 'they'? They that say... They say this , they say that, he's a legend, the other's a twat They say we're screwed, They say all is bad I wish I could tell Them that They are driving me mad. Where do They live, what is Their game, What is it that drives Them to all think the same. They say They don't like this or not even that They seem to know everything my thoughts are old hat Their opinions create even more of the They They blog and They tweet and They play and they say They seem like a tribe, but maybe they're not This 'They' might not even be -ever thought of that? Maybe 'They' is a way of keeping us down Of telling us how -to think and when to frown It's 'us' versus Them - that's the name of the game Don't follow the They or we'll all think the same.