
Showing posts from May, 2020

Buzz of indifference .

Buzz of indifference . I’ve come indoors to write now, I was out in the garden but there was a pigeon with mental health issues annoying me, every time I ‘shooed’ it away it just stared at me as if it was on some high end hallucinant. So I thought let him/her/it win, I need to write. Now I’m sat at the kitchen table… there is a big fat fly somewhere, you know the type , you can hear them buzzing around but hardly ever see them,  until they get tired or kill themselves by banging their heads on a closed window, but the buzz… so annoying. So already today I’ve been terrorised by a pigeon and now a fly, the usual human response would be to kill ‘em, but I’m not one of those humans, I’ll wait till the fly tires look for it, put a glass over it, slide a piece of paper onder the glass and put the fly outside (hopefully the pigeon doesn’t eat it, do they eat insects? Or are they just left over feeders?) Anyway let’s write… First let me reassure you, the fly was found, arrested an...