
Showing posts from 2021


  I thought I had talent,   I’ve let myself down, I thought I was funny,   but I’m more of a clown. I thought I was clever And had it worked out, But nobody listens That’s why I shout. It has taken me ages To get to this place But I know myself now And there’s no saving grace. So try to avoid me Just don’t get entwined In the day to day madness Of my rambling sad mind

The age of Distraction.

  Distraction.Sept 20th 2021. Todays starting point for these few words I write is distraction and lack of concentration. Together, and without realising where we were heading, we have constructed a society where the ability to concentrate on the task at hand is not only almost impossible but (for most of us) not desired or expected.   We are constantly bombarded with sounds, memes and external influences that beg for our attention, our attention becomes so overworked that it becomes fragmented and loses sight of what’s important or what todays priorities should be.   Our ability to read, listen, absorb content and form an opinion about things is   extremely reduced if not totally destroyed.   Examples. What are we doing when we listen to music while scrolling through social media? Are we listening to music? Or scrolling through social media? Does the music matter? Are we listening to the text of the song? Are we trying to ‘get’ what the artist is trying to put ...


The chefs on the Telly Can go take a hike I’m dining tonight from a bag on a bike. I don’t have a kitchen No money for that But I do have a smart phone so I’ll download the app. I’ll get the grub that I need to survive one more day from a zero hours peddler of some ‘meal of the day’ .  


  Regrets. All the bad decisions. All the things I shouldn’t have done, but did. All the things I should have done but didn’t. All the people I tried to impress for no reason. All the times I cared too much about what others might think. All the real friends I forgot to thank. All the people I thought were friends but weren’t. All the opportunities for happiness I failed to see. All the things I acted on for the wrong reasons. All the times I didn’t say Sorry. All the times I didn’t say thank you. All the things I forgot to cherish. All the actions taken without thought. All the good thoughts that didn’t bring action. All the times I forgot myself. All the good that I easily forget.   All the things I left unsaid.


  Trees. I've never used a tree when I've needed to pee,  A bush or a shrub or a hedge maybe, but never a tree. Good things come in trees, or maybe threes as someone once said to me. I once made love to a bird up against a tree, she was no songbird but she did reach notes higher than me, but that was in my politically incorrect days as you can see. I've sat in a tree but never shat in a tree. I once had a discussion with a weeping willow, just to clear the air, the sadness was because of me. Now Greta Thunberg you might not be but the least you can do is plant a tree.  I love trees, there- it's out. I think of them with every breath I take, but hey that's me.

Love in Corona times.

I had a socially distanced 'one-night stand' We wore surgical gloves and she held my hand She took me home threw me on the bed went to the bathroom then she said "I'll be in the bath, it's safer there" "Now get on ZOOM and show me you care."

Get off and turn on.

  So now I have read all the books and ‘tips from Authors’ and all the internet can offer on writing- how to start, how to continue, writer's block, what sort of paper -ink or pencil to use… all I have to do now is write FFS, and make it a daily habit. Like everything else the more you do it, the easier it becomes, not necessarily better, just easier. One thing that Corona has taught me, I’m not as talented as I thought I was, as the absence of my first killer novel proves, the empty joke notebooks and half-finished projects in the house. I have this one thing and that is getting on stage and making people laugh through words I carefully select, that is it -end of talent roll call.   So my only talent is impossible to perform at the moment,   I’m stuck in a sort of waiting room an entertainment purgatory between heaven and hell, just hanging around, trying to stay relevant by making podcasts that don’t go anywhere, doing live streams so people can see me and remember me a...