
Showing posts from January, 2021

Love in Corona times.

I had a socially distanced 'one-night stand' We wore surgical gloves and she held my hand She took me home threw me on the bed went to the bathroom then she said "I'll be in the bath, it's safer there" "Now get on ZOOM and show me you care."

Get off and turn on.

  So now I have read all the books and ‘tips from Authors’ and all the internet can offer on writing- how to start, how to continue, writer's block, what sort of paper -ink or pencil to use… all I have to do now is write FFS, and make it a daily habit. Like everything else the more you do it, the easier it becomes, not necessarily better, just easier. One thing that Corona has taught me, I’m not as talented as I thought I was, as the absence of my first killer novel proves, the empty joke notebooks and half-finished projects in the house. I have this one thing and that is getting on stage and making people laugh through words I carefully select, that is it -end of talent roll call.   So my only talent is impossible to perform at the moment,   I’m stuck in a sort of waiting room an entertainment purgatory between heaven and hell, just hanging around, trying to stay relevant by making podcasts that don’t go anywhere, doing live streams so people can see me and remember me a...