Child of Confusion. Sometimes one of my Comedy shows will get a review written by one or other journalist with one or other sense of humor, or even by journalists without a sense of humor but a sense of duty, this being to warn their readers of any form of humor which doesn’t coincide with the definition humor that they had searched for on google specially for this occasion. One such journalist once described me as a ‘Confused Comedian’, ‘jumping from topic to topic, only to return to the main topic where he started out’. He obviously meant ‘Confusing’ instead of ‘Confused’, a difference which would say more about him than me, but I digress. To be honest, I am confused, there, I said it. I have always been confused, confused about most things, I think my birth sign was a question mark followed by an exclamation mark or just a confused emoji. It all started more or less at the beginning, when I first realised that not all families are constructed like ours. The awakening to...
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