Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Tune out...

 Tuesday 26th of September 2023

It’s not so much that I’m tired of people telling me what they think and how I should be, what really pisses me off is that I listen to them and try to change myself.

I Think I’m spending too much time surfing all these ‘self-help’ podcasts, youtube tutorials, and memes. They aren’t self-help, they are people you don’t know telling you how you should be, what you should eat, how you should exercise, and especially what you are doing wrong. Why should you even listen to these people? They don’t know you, or your situation or your expectations, or your capabilities. 

So I weigh a few pounds over my ‘so say’ ideal weight, so what? I’m not happy and friendly all day and every day? So what, I’m human that’s how we operate. I’ve come to the conclusion that we all should search deep within ourselves, get to know ourselves better, work out what we want and want to be and then find the tools to make it happen, and if it doesn’t make us happy? Re-think the whole thing. 

These people are on the internet earning money through people's lack of self-esteem, they are not in it to make you feel better, they want you hooked on to their site/page/or profile so they earn more, and if they give what you are looking for you ain’t gonna come back so they’ll give you unachievable goals which leave you thinking that you are a loser. Fuck ‘em. 

Tune in to yourself, be you, and not what some money-earning meme tells you to be. 

I firmly believe that we all have the inner knowledge to work it out for ourselves, if we are given the rest and the peace and quiet we need to think straight. 

On-line lifestyle takes all your creativity and thoughtfulness away from you, it occupies our brains and takes charge of the whole operation. Creating new pathways that take you farther and farther away from your real self. 

Use it for what is necessary and trust yourself and your fully formed brain to do the rest. 

We have choices on how to spend our time and our how to invest our attention, make the right choices, every minute you spend listening to how this or that should be done, you’re not doing it. 

By the way, this is more of a ‘to do’ text for myself, I need to become more of a self-help helper, than relying on Strangers on the internet, I mean who the fuck are they? If their lives are so perfect why do they need to earn cash by telling others what to do. 

So, Tune in (to yourself) Turn on (the internal microphone) and drop out of the internet life style. Go your own way, there will be good and bad decisions along the way but at least you would have given it your best shot.