
Showing posts from August, 2024

Refreshing Freshwater.

  I might not have participated in the Olympics, but during the marathon, I made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and washed the dishes—a record time! I have buckets of respect for Olympic athletes, but I didn’t watch much of it. I also try to put in ‘personal best’ times for chores, and I have some writing to get done. The garden also needs some TLC, so sitting in front of the television admiring the strength and endurance of athletes won’t help me. What I do enjoy are the interviews with the medal winners. Hearing how much training and effort they put into getting this far reminds me that there are times when we all need to develop some of that discipline to improve or train ourselves for our favourite hobbies or jobs. So, I’m trying to spend less time in front of the screen, whether it be on TV or idly scrolling social media pages on my phone. The time that we waste on endless streams of (let’s be honest) trivial B.S. doesn’t help us at all.  I enjoy gardening and performing st...