
I don't have a traditional workweek. I'm also 71, so some weeks, the days just morph into one, Monday being no different from Saturday. There are daily routines but no planning. Yet today is a Sunday, and Sundays are 'the last days standing' in terms of traditions. I slept late this morning (9:30), had coffee and a bite to eat, sat around the breakfast table with my partner, and had our morning talk about the woes of the world and things that were on our minds, thoughts on the family, and reminding ourselves we still have some planning to do regarding our summer vacation. We noticed the hydrometer read 34, which is pretty dry, with 40 being roughly optimal, and decided to open all the windows, turn off the heat, put the kettle on for additional dampness and see what happens; we reached 36 and decided to just say 'f**k it and go outside for a walk, on this freezing but sunny day. I'm no expert, but walking is the best medicine. Better than jogging or working ...