Saturday, 1 August 2015

Move away from the Vehicle.

We humans, never satisfied with things the way they are, always trying to improve what is. With regard to medicine, education those sorts of things -no problem. What we sometimes forget is that this rock we live on is a very coincidental balancing act, but hey we can organize it better right?
Especially when it comes to 'nature' as we call 'life on earth'. We just can't seem to leave stuff the fuck alone, always looking for better ways to improve shit after we fuck it up. Destroy all wildlife then preserve the remaining few- sometimes by killing some of 'em.
We've destroyed most wildlife to the point that the remaining species just want to give up and stop fucking each other as in the case of Pandas, maybe they're right, they probably feel that it will never stop until there are only cats, dogs and the occasional parrot held hostage in our homes, plus the furry the fluffy and the future BBQ donors living in a cage waiting to be ripped apart to feed our endless gluttony.
Once we get rid of all the unwanted 'shit spreading' wild life, we can start to rid the planet of ourselves, there are too many of us, so a little bit of 'conservation' toward human kind wouldn't go amiss. It's probably the next step in our evolutional trip, a 'cull' as we lovingly call it when slaughtering animals.

What an arrogance to claim this planet as 'ours' when it also belongs to everything from Cecil to bacteria, it's not 'ours' and definitely not just the white mans. We need to take a step back down the evolutionary ladder of arrogance that taints us. Or are we just going to keep mining,fracking, plundering, overeating,and pillaging the natural resources until this beautiful accident of the universe becomes just one more dead rock.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

I wonder how many future sportsmen or women (or fathers and mothers of future stars) are in the makeshift camps around Calais at the moment trying to get to the UK ? or (future) Doctors, Nurses, workers, scientists etc etc and does anybody actually give a flying fuck about all this human misery? Our EU leaders seem more worried about the financial fall backs due to the migrant crisis in Calais, nobody (in power) seems disturbed by the fact that there are thousands of (mainly African) migrants trying and getting to Europe and lots of them are heading toward Calais, this problem is not going away and there are no easy answers. Telling the Greeks to go eat humble pie and get used to being poor for a couple of generations was easy posturing for our eurocrats,when faced with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion it's heads in the coastal sands and hope it goes away, but it won't.
While travelling through Calais myself the other week I was pretty shocked and 'culture-blasted' to see the rows and rows of cars carrying tourists (like myself) back and forth, hundreds and hundreds of trucks carrying consumer goods stuck in huge traffic jams, then turning around to see people trying to climb over fences and being forced back by truncheon waving french 'flics'.  How the fuck would I be able to explain this to an Alien that might just happen by from one of our celestial neighbours? I wouldn't be able to, it's madness, but like I said there are no easy solutions.
So for a start what if we just started thinking about these people as people, mostly fleeing war, terror and a lack of future. They are people ,like us, so why don't we at least start treating them like we would ourselves, surely organising decent accommodation  shouldn't be beyond one of the worlds richest trading blocks? Thousands of fellow humans are living in primitive make do tents and living under the rainy skies of Calais, in the heart of this so say European 'community'.
A trip and a ferry ride from Calais to the UK and back is probably the best thing to do with your children this summer, take them and make them see what's going on, it will probably be the best education they can get as to how the world is economically organised and how we humans treat each other. Though it will be very embarrasing for parents to have to explain to their children that this is the 'Brave New World' they will inherit from us.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Dick waving

I'm getting really tired of the political dick waving of 'Euro-Leaders' (yes Merkel has a dick) in all this economic shite around Greece. Every evening you can turn on the Tv and watch unelected Eurogroup 'commissars' talking about 'democracy' and bla bla bla , who the fuck are these people talking to? and what's more to the point who are they talking FOR, in whose name are they talking? us? No, they are talking to their puppeteers , you know the guys that caused all this economic turmoil a few years ago (and didn't go to jail) . Greece is the back door of Europe -they hold the keys to the back door- along with Italy, Spain and Portugal, it's called Geo politics- Obama knows this, Poetin knows this , our euro dick wavers should know this, but it seems to leave 'em cold. They won't kick Greece out, they won't kick Greece at all because they now that it could mean the end of the EU zone, the back door would would be wide open and others would be glad to get in.

So much to do.

Ok, so now I start a blog in English, why? Do I have to explain? It's what you do, you have to be out there, you have to put yourself on the world wide wank. Just being a Comedian ain't enough anymore you have to have a you tube channel, a instagram account, Twitter, Facebook and many many more. you have to keep these things up to date, post BS on them , be out there, self promote, be one of the tribe. I've just been trying to upload a vid of myself to a site ,trying to get some gigs spent an hour trying to attach the link, ok call me an idiot but I'm not an IT nerd I'm a comedian ,I should be spending time thinking about material, honing my craft . No time for that anymore it's all come to this, 'selfie madness' and ego pushing megabytes.
Even now, the reason I am blogging is 'to be out there' to be noticed, to attract attention ,why? to get gigs. Wank on!

I've been doing stand-up now for 17 years in Flanders, 17 years of taking the same highway exits and same rooms, a great way to live. Loved it, an easy way to earn a living if you can take the strain.
Trouble is in Flanders there aren't really any comedy 'clubs' there are a few Cafés that programme stand-up comedy ,but not many real clubs where young (and not so young) comedians can hone their craft an work out new routines. comedy clubs are the places that also breed comedy audiences. TV doesn't do that television creates a false sense of what Stand-up is or should be. In flanders you have to perform for organisations that organise comedy evenings to raise cash or give their members a night out, and those people might just come watch to support the organisation, not because they love comedy. So young comedians have to cater for a very wide audience, which takes the down them road to
middle of the road comedy so as 'not to offend' the audience in front of them.

That's why now after all these years I feel I should branch out, get an act together in my mother tongue (not my mothers tongue 'cos she was an alcoholic- you wouldn't 'get' her).
So as from now I'll be doing more stuff in English, like this blog. Why did I have to start a second blog to do it? Because I started getting Flemish 'troll' sending me BS about doing stuff in English instead of their holy grail Flemish language bla bla bla.
The world is fucked and internet is wearing the strap on!.