Dick waving

I'm getting really tired of the political dick waving of 'Euro-Leaders' (yes Merkel has a dick) in all this economic shite around Greece. Every evening you can turn on the Tv and watch unelected Eurogroup 'commissars' talking about 'democracy' and bla bla bla , who the fuck are these people talking to? and what's more to the point who are they talking FOR, in whose name are they talking? us? No, they are talking to their puppeteers , you know the guys that caused all this economic turmoil a few years ago (and didn't go to jail) . Greece is the back door of Europe -they hold the keys to the back door- along with Italy, Spain and Portugal, it's called Geo politics- Obama knows this, Poetin knows this , our euro dick wavers should know this, but it seems to leave 'em cold. They won't kick Greece out, they won't kick Greece at all because they now that it could mean the end of the EU zone, the back door would would be wide open and others would be glad to get in.


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