
Showing posts from June, 2016

Race of the races at the races.

The good thing about football is the way it shows us how shallow some political 'beliefs' are. Take nationality for example, in a lot of European countries there is political friction about migrants - yet every european football team has at least one or two players that are children of -or first generation- migrants, they can kick a ball so they are the good ones. I was watching a game I think it was Turkey against Czech Republic, one of Turkey's best players was a young 18 year old 'Turk' who was born and raised in Denmark, Dad was a Turk, Mum was Danish. The lad spent his whole youth in Denmark, was football trained in Denmark, school in Denmark, but he plays for Turkey, no problem but where is the logic? In the German national team ,one of their best players -is -so say- Turkish, his Mum and Dad are Turkish ,yet he plays for Germany. All very interesting, and I love it, getting to choose which nationality you want to be should be extended even further, I...


That time of year.  I’m writing this blog entry sitting outside in the garden, my favorite hideaway, a place -although small - that reminds me that we humans - we ‘sapi-apes’ -are just one small part of life on this planet. The sun is shining and, at the beginning of the summer, that puts us off guard, the sun shines and we think ‘good times’! “lazy days and crazy nights” (unless you’re of my generation then you think “did I remember to get mosquito repellant?”). The harder the sun shines, the less news and political showmanship interests us. Politicians posturing on television seems all too tiresome when you could be outside sipping your favorite cocktail. The summer is also the time when my ‘core business’ -stand-up Comedy - takes a hit, people don’t need us to have fun, they have pools and drinks and music and friends, laughs are there for the taking, nobody needs a person with a microphone and sharp wit telling them what’s funny. Still love it though! So bring on the...