
That time of year. 
I’m writing this blog entry sitting outside in the garden, my favorite hideaway, a place -although small - that reminds me that we humans - we ‘sapi-apes’ -are just one small part of life on this planet.
The sun is shining and, at the beginning of the summer, that puts us off guard, the sun shines and we think ‘good times’! “lazy days and crazy nights” (unless you’re of my generation then you think “did I remember to get mosquito repellant?”).
The harder the sun shines, the less news and political showmanship interests us. Politicians posturing on television seems all too tiresome when you could be outside sipping your favorite cocktail.
The summer is also the time when my ‘core business’ -stand-up Comedy - takes a hit, people don’t need us to have fun, they have pools and drinks and music and friends, laughs are there for the taking, nobody needs a person with a microphone and sharp wit telling them what’s funny.
Still love it though! So bring on the summer. 

Every day I get up and write three pages of whatever comes into my head, sound difficult? well it is, sometimes it’s gibberish sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s lists of stuff I have to do ,just whatever is on my mind. It helps, it clears my mind, it sets me up for the day, it’s relaxing and it’s addictive. I just write, I try to think as little as possible about what I’m writing I just try to let it all flow out. It’s like opening the windows and letting fresh air blow through the house. 
This may sound a waste of time for some people, but it works for me, I know it’s not for everyone but it’s my little ritual to kick off the day. 

We all have rituals, they’ve always been important to humans, religions were quick to pick up on this and incorporate them big time in their little clubs of ‘followers’, whether it be fasting, praying,meditating, pilgrimages, coming of age ceremonies ,they are all just rituals, giving people something to cling on to when life becomes a bit overwhelming, it’s just ritual and so long it isn’t used to enslave or endanger others, go for it, starve yourself, chastise yourself, get on your knees and speak to the invisible, do what ever it takes to get by- but just remember it should be a personal experience, a thing that helps you. If you’re just doing it because it’s ‘expected’ of you by communities or by others, then it’s probably not right. Find your own personal ritual and get to know yourself, it’s fun, and hey! you exist.


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