Sugar and Spice and all things nice.

I spent last weekend in the UK , a city trip, a luxury , two and a half days of walking the streets of my favourite districts of London. As always my partner and I stayed at a Hotel in Shepherds bush, easy access to the Central line of the underground and walking distance to the hip and trendy shops, boutiques and coffee bars of Portobello Road. Not that we buy a lot, it’s just fun to see what the ‘trends’ are in the selling of shit we don’t need.
How many different ways can you sell coffee for example? now it seems with pumpkin flavour- ffs! who thinks all this commercial bullshit up? 
How many Banksy rip-off postcards and wall art can you put up in your home,office or den?  
Whether you buy the shit you don’t need in Notting Hill or in ‘street wise’ Camden, it’s still just part of a global lifestyle market, the stalls, shops and traders all selling stuff made in some child sweatshop. 

The biggest ‘shit you don’t need’ market segment is -of course- food. Food is everywhere, trendy and hip ‘Cafés’ with retro furniture selling overpriced ‘new food’ which usually is blended bullshit. Then there are the small stores selling more food, the expensive restaurants, the ‘food traders’ on the markets selling stuff that is so indefinable that they just give it an oriental sounding name . Food food food, everywhere you go. Once we were hunters, we went days tracking down mammoths and any other edible animal, so when we finally killed a few we just ate and ate because we never knew when we might find food again. This evolutionary programming is becoming our downfall, with all this food everywhere all day and all night we just eat ,sometimes out of boredom ,sometimes because we are ‘peckish’ but never (in the west) because we are hungry, we don’t even know or remember what real hunger is. 
From being a necessary element of survival, food has become a ‘commodity’ profitable and a very marketable consumergood. Food glorious food. 
You can’t get away from it, commercials on TV ,hell the most TV programmes are about food, how to cook it, eat it,where to eat it in fact I’m surprised nobody has made a programme about how to shit it out. 

The results of this food fundementalism is also to be seen everywhere, like the guy sat near to us in a snackbar, he probably weighed in at 200 + kilos, he had tits the size of Kim Kardashians ass. His breathing was troublesome (read; Darth Vader) his ass was visible because the elastic in his sweatpants had just given up the fight, it took the guy about 10 minutes to get into position to be able to get up, it took another ten to get to the door, outside he leant against the wall to catch his breath. I imagine he’ll die lonely somewhere in a bedsit when his heart realises it’s the only way out. 
In the west we are slowly but surely eating ourselves to death, obesity is a bigger threat to us than ISIS, we should be putting armed soldiers in front of restaurants with scales to weigh the people going in. 
A lot has been said and written over ‘body shaming’ ,the PC brigade -and fat people - don’t want us to use the word ‘fat’ anymore to describe someone who’s ....well, fat. We should call a spade a spade, if someone is fat they’re fat, end of, for whatever reason. If the reason is overeating, calling them fat might be the wake up call that sends them on a diet and saves their life. 

Getting home from the UK it was interesting to watch the BBC news, the main item wasn’t Syria, Trump/Clinton , ISIS , Refugees, or the economy, none of all that trivia, it was in fact the news that the television programme ‘The Great British Bake Off’ a programme about baking cakes, wouldn’t be on the BBC next year but on a commercial station Channel 4. 


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