
Showing posts from August, 2017

Not all news is all the news.

Don't let the news get you down that the guy in charge is just a clown, It's not all bad what we create just learn to see beyond the hate. Not all news is all the news it has to sell so they pick and choose. They prey, and pray that fear will spread 'cos that's the way they earn their bread. Look through this mist of the bad news show the light of humanity is still aglow. not all news is all the news .

Whatever made you ...... (cool)

Whatever made you think that white trousers are cool? I can see your black knickers ,you Marks&Sparks tool! I get that you want to look nice ,feel good and be proud but that jacket you're wearing is much too loud. So put down the glossy that brain washing shite, look in the mirror ,you're ok ,you're allright Cool's not for sale ,no version or chique Cool's a state of being, fashion's for the weak.

Dirty old git.

This is one I wrote after having a run in with a girl on the train from Kings Cross to Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival. She had a nice little Jeremy Corbyn T-shirt on, badges, all the right stuff, but she also had the window seat and wouldn't let me use the plug. I leaned in and said "Does Jeremy know you're for a monopoly position on the distribution of electricity to the poor and needy?" She sighed and carried on reading Karl Marxs' 'on the distribution of wealth' although it might have been Engels, great double act those two but I mix them up. I've altered the setting and context (for poetic justice), but it's about being judgmental and also solidarity. Hello ‘anon’ girl, do you remember me?  Probably not, but I just want to say, you were stood in the street with your leaflets we shared a glance the other day. Remember? I just walked by you and winked when I passed I heard you say “don’t wink at me you dirty old basta...

(A returning hero from Syria, his mum didn't know.)

(A returning hero from Syria, his mum didn't know.)  "He's always been a good boy, 'cos he told me so, Always reading the holy stuff, tho' he had some quirky mates, I was just happy he wasn't boozing, 'cos them drunks are full of hate. Who would have thought my lovely boy would have been misled, someone fed his brain with lies ,and now some folks are dead".


Now me and Words get on well, me and words could tell you a tale or two but we keep most of them to ourselves. Words are good friends, they're always there we're tight they can almost read my mind they don't judge but sometimes they're hard. (but mostly kind) We manage to keep it quite fair. Be friends with words, they'll never desert you as life takes it's toll and brings pain they'll get you through it and you don't have to call they're only a thought away.

Hyde Park

Had a chat today with a guy I'll never see him again The first born son of his father ,so obviously his name was Mohammed. Nice Guy In London for friends and business- from Paris through Mauritania. We sat on a bench in hyde Park started to chat, we talked of the weather and the trees, of people and their needs. In those 20 minutes we solved a lot of the worlds problems and tensions - for us. It wasn't that difficult, All it took, was the sun, some trees a smile, and time to think ,understand and relate. We shook hands wished each other well said goodbye. and left with a feeling of  'maybe' just maybe we can get through.

About Safari whores.

Big Cat shot by fat cat, fat cat pays to be the topcat, overpaid but underloved he compensates with bullets of extinction. Big Cat growls goodbye once at peace with the planet  now excess to the executive needs The last one is already born ready for the likes and clicks as it  fades into history with only a cameo role in the selfie. Fat cats , kill hope.