
Showing posts from November, 2017

Louis CK and all that jizz

For all the comedians and people who follow comedy and what's going on in the comedy scene. A few words about the Louis CK shit storm. We can't judge from afar.... and all that jazz. But that has never stopped us doing and saying things on stage about lots of other things from Bill Clintons 'bell end' to Terrorism, death and war. Things that for others are horrendous, shocking and sometimes lightly offending. We 'the funny truth sayers' always want to have our say. So why, pr ay tell, when the news is about 'one of our own' - Louis CK - do we suddenly lose the comedic gene and become either defensive or apologetic ? I mean I've heard comedians do jokes about the Holocaust FFS! So to paraphrase and adapt a comedic line from Louis CK - 'there's always good and bad, ok so Louis CK objectified women, used his name,fame and power to force women to watch him jack off, for this he's probably lost his career, his respect and a lot of friends........

I don't know.

I think it was the Motown group 'The Temptations that had the hit song 'Ball of Confusion', the opening lines of that song and the music are for me symbolic for how life has become. With the arrival of internet,social media and 24 hr scrolling news we have a daily 'waterboarding' of News(fake and real), scandal, trivia and issues that will define our future. Hardly have we digested such important issues as Trumps presidency or Brexit before we get submerged in the sleazy 'inappropriate sexual behaviour' of Politicians and celebs. Meanwhile we are confronted with theft on a grand scale as shown in the Panma and Paradise papers. Housing is becoming scarce, poverty is on the increase, racism is back from never being gone. The planet is creaking under the weight of human population and consumption,  profit driven urges make that corporations are prepared to sacrifice our health and our future for the sake of 'a few dollars more'. Religious fanaticism us...