I don't know.

I think it was the Motown group 'The Temptations that had the hit song 'Ball of Confusion', the opening lines of that song and the music are for me symbolic for how life has become.
With the arrival of internet,social media and 24 hr scrolling news we have a daily 'waterboarding' of News(fake and real), scandal, trivia and issues that will define our future. Hardly have we digested such important issues as Trumps presidency or Brexit before we get submerged in the sleazy 'inappropriate sexual behaviour' of Politicians and celebs. Meanwhile we are confronted with theft on a grand scale as shown in the Panma and Paradise papers. Housing is becoming scarce, poverty is on the increase, racism is back from never being gone. The planet is creaking under the weight of human population and consumption,  profit driven urges make that corporations are prepared to sacrifice our health and our future for the sake of 'a few dollars more'. Religious fanaticism uses the neo colonial warfare being waged by the west to terrorise whole nations and try to turn the clock of evolution back toward the dark middle ages.This gets poured into our brain, it gives us stress, worries, fear (all rightly so) . In the mean time we all work harder and longer (except us comedians), work orientated stress,burn out and breakdowns are the result, and ever increasing.
It feels to me like the whole world is heading for one big mental breakdown. Social media is constantly there, in the background, it's that nagging voice that keeps egging you on to take a stand, make a statement, argue with people you never meet, join a lynchmob, be part of a world wide debate hardly ever with knowledge of actual facts. We seem to have become a screaming mass of people on the edge.
What's the answer? I don't know. Maybe our brains can't evolve quick enough to take this new mass media, byte size, internet way of life. Maybe we should slow down, step back ,focus on the things that make us less stressed, focus on what what we were doing before this cloud of confusion descended over us. Maybe we should focus on real human contact, instead of replacing it with 'messages' 'texts' 'likes' and extreme internet narcissism. Fact is I don't know. Sometimes I have the energy to try and form an opinion, mostly the energy is gone, no time -by the time I've formed an opinion on one thing it's not even in the news anymore.
All I really know is this, my garden needs cleaning up before winter arrives. I need to do some household chores. I need to read some interesting books I bought. I need to spend time with family and friends. I definitely need to work on my fitness and good health. I have some great music I have hardly listened to. When all that is done I might try and keep up with 'the news' whatever it is that day.
Disappointed ? Sorry.

btw I will support others who have the energy, belief and 'go too' who are trying to save the planet and make it better for us all.


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