
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Group

We humans just love splitting off into groups, I suppose we feel safer in group, ‘cos basically compared to other living things we’re pretty weak.  So we love groups - religions, political groups, sports teams, even gender-preference groups - so many groups and sub groups we contradict our own hate toward competing groups. That’s another given, it’s not just that we like being part of groups we also have to have other groups to hate, or at least dislike..........  Never happy ‘till we’re hating, that’s us. It’s no different now, the ‘alt right’ hating the ‘alt left’ , even though from each group there are probably people who share the love in yet other groups, they may support the same sports team at the weekend, but hate each other for political reasons in the week, and on certain evenings meet each other again at a local ‘dark room moment’ in a group hug.  I have this impression that it could all end in one of two ways. Either we come together and realize we ar...

Skin deep.

I've just been stood in the kitchen, coloring my wife's hair, don't worry she was there with me. She's at an age and a stage in her life when grey roots appear every few weeks, and she is having nothing of it. Every few weeks I'm her 'special forces' in her personal war on grey terrorism, it always makes me nervous if I miss any enemy infiltrations it will be firing squad for me. Usually it turns out ok, and I'm the hero for a couple of days and then it starts all over again. When she buys the coloring product it's always a different chemical cocktail ,never does she use the same product twice, always looking for a better version of all the choices. What an array of products! just for hair, it's amazing, there is a whole industry helping (mainly women) cover up their natural color, and this is just the hair industry. We humans have a long history of not being contented with what nature gives us, always wanting a new hair color, eye color and m...

The brightest of the dumb.

Will we ever 'get it' ? How things work, how the world is shaped? Why we do what we do? why the same old things happen over and over? I remember when I was young thinking that 'older people' must know, they must have that secret knowledge that was hidden to us youngsters...... but now I'm old, I seem to know less than when I started out. To me getting older just means giving less of a flying frig about the 'worries of life'. Politics and politicians? tricksters thieves and psychopaths- all of 'em. Life planning? wake up, see what happens, adapt,adjust and move on. Concentrate on what and who you like doing and being with, there are 7 billion of us, 99.9999% of whom  you'll never meet and only a few of the ones you meet will eventually be of any importance to you, so stop trying to impress people who matter not to your life. Just don't waste time, a lot of people want you to fail in what you do, only listen to the ones that encourage you in you...