The brightest of the dumb.
Will we ever 'get it' ? How things work, how the world is shaped? Why we do what we do? why the same old things happen over and over?
I remember when I was young thinking that 'older people' must know, they must have that secret knowledge that was hidden to us youngsters...... but now I'm old, I seem to know less than when I started out. To me getting older just means giving less of a flying frig about the 'worries of life'.
Politics and politicians? tricksters thieves and psychopaths- all of 'em. Life planning? wake up, see what happens, adapt,adjust and move on. Concentrate on what and who you like doing and being with, there are 7 billion of us, 99.9999% of whom you'll never meet and only a few of the ones you meet will eventually be of any importance to you, so stop trying to impress people who matter not to your life.
Just don't waste time, a lot of people want you to fail in what you do, only listen to the ones that encourage you in your endeavours.
We keep saying how special we Homo Sapiens are, how we are the most intelligent species on earth, is that an overstatement? Maybe we are the most intelligent of all living beings on earth, but what does that mean, maybe we're intelligent like the brightest kid in the 'special class', just intelligent compared to the rest.
Yes we can almost cure all illnesses that we used to think were incurable, but at the same time we produce products and situations that enhance just those same illnesses we are trying to cure. Smokers outside the hospital doors, vending machines selling unhealthy drinks in Hospital waiting areas. We know we can get energy from wind and sun yet still we prefer digging holes in the planet to mine fossil fuel that will poison the environment or build energy plants that rely on very very dangerous and 'all life' threatening fuel.
Maybe we're not as 'bright' as we think, ok we say we are but is that true? How many parents do you know that think their kids are unbelievably intelligent? Even though the law of averages says most all kids are average. When was the last time you heard parents say "well we have three kids they are at best average, but if I'm honest they are pretty dumb, dumb, selfish and mean, but hey on the bright side they are an improvement on us".
I remember when I was young thinking that 'older people' must know, they must have that secret knowledge that was hidden to us youngsters...... but now I'm old, I seem to know less than when I started out. To me getting older just means giving less of a flying frig about the 'worries of life'.
Politics and politicians? tricksters thieves and psychopaths- all of 'em. Life planning? wake up, see what happens, adapt,adjust and move on. Concentrate on what and who you like doing and being with, there are 7 billion of us, 99.9999% of whom you'll never meet and only a few of the ones you meet will eventually be of any importance to you, so stop trying to impress people who matter not to your life.
Just don't waste time, a lot of people want you to fail in what you do, only listen to the ones that encourage you in your endeavours.
We keep saying how special we Homo Sapiens are, how we are the most intelligent species on earth, is that an overstatement? Maybe we are the most intelligent of all living beings on earth, but what does that mean, maybe we're intelligent like the brightest kid in the 'special class', just intelligent compared to the rest.
Yes we can almost cure all illnesses that we used to think were incurable, but at the same time we produce products and situations that enhance just those same illnesses we are trying to cure. Smokers outside the hospital doors, vending machines selling unhealthy drinks in Hospital waiting areas. We know we can get energy from wind and sun yet still we prefer digging holes in the planet to mine fossil fuel that will poison the environment or build energy plants that rely on very very dangerous and 'all life' threatening fuel.
Maybe we're not as 'bright' as we think, ok we say we are but is that true? How many parents do you know that think their kids are unbelievably intelligent? Even though the law of averages says most all kids are average. When was the last time you heard parents say "well we have three kids they are at best average, but if I'm honest they are pretty dumb, dumb, selfish and mean, but hey on the bright side they are an improvement on us".
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