Clothes, just clothes.
Clothes might not ‘maketh the man’ (or woman) , but they have become a statement, a flag, an introduction to who we are and how we liked to be seen.
If clothes weren’t important we’d all just wear what’s easiest to put on and take off, we might stretch to a favorite color, but if they were of no importance then we would go for ‘easy’ .
But we don’t always go for easy, so there is an importance attached to what we wear. Clothes fit occasion and function, uniforms, (office suits are uniforms as well).
In our ‘free time’ we like to dress to impress, whatever impression it is we are trying to convey. We may want to ‘tempt’ the opposite or same sex, we may be looking for a partner and want to look at our ‘best’. We may want to convey a message “look how relaxed I am, I care not about what people think of me or how I’m dressed” and probably put a lot of effort into the attire to convey that message.
I like my clothes to be ‘easy’, easy on easy off, no tight belts around the midriff, no ties, no tight fitting shirts, I need to breathe and I need to be able to sit comfortably, that is foremost in my choice of attire. My profession affords me that kind of freedom. Sometimes I might get the urge to ‘dress up’ and put a suit on, but it won’t be more than once a year.
I like to sit on a bench and do some ‘people watching’ , seeing what clothes they wear, and try to figure out what message they convey, who they are, what they are doing, how they want to be seen. Clothes can be a sort of membership card to a ‘sub genre’ of music, or allegiance to one or other trend , team or political ideology even.
There is a trend by some men to wear a heavy chain on the outside of their trousers, it has to be in a loop for the real effect, probably it’s connected to their wallet and waistband, it looks like it’s trying to convey that the person who owns the chain is a bit of a rebel, in reality the person has probably watched a lot of American films about rednecks,hells angels or rockabilly music. In my imagination the chain is connected to a piercing that is usually called a ‘prince Albert’, through the pocket. So which ever way you look at it the chain is attached to a dick, only joking guys ,only joking.
All joking aside, isn’t it great to be living in a region where we can virtually wear whatever we want? As long as we obey the decency code. Isn’t it great to be living where authority figures have hardly any say in the way we clothe ourselves? O.K. you have to show your face, but surely that’s pure politeness and general decency. (whatever your religion.)
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