
Showing posts from March, 2019

Travel log.

Important people like politicians travel first class so not to be too influenced by the underclass, I travel second class it’s on my ticket like a badge of dishonor.  Paying through the nose for a cup of brown water called coffee - I think a gram of coke would be cheaper. ‘Americano’ so called because it’s like  Trump -overrated , wrong color, and probably full of shit.  So I have this ‘fair trade coffee’ served by a minimum wage slave, even before I drink it I know it will upset my tummy, (the last bit of bodily resistance to the daily poisoning). ‘Fair Trade’ coffee, what does that mean? What’s the ‘fair’ bit? the swings and roundabouts of international trade deals. People watching,  fellow travellers ,  different stations ,  same coffee,  same luggage,  same stress, where’s my passport, where’s my phone,  where’s my bag ,the kids will find their own way home. 

Walking coma.

A walk. The sun is out it’s looking good, ignore the smell of diesel fumes it’s ok, we’re in this together -last lungs standing , challenge , just do it ,  defy the fumes and go for a walk. Breathe in breathe deep, feel the energy... seeping from your body onto the tired pavement as cars rush by ,lots of VIP’s out by the look of it,  even John has personalised plates now. Find a bit of grass ,some trees, get in touch with what we were, even if it’s crowded there on the last green bit , overcrowded overcast with tins and wrappers (where dogs fight for shitting rights) Look what the council put up, a sign telling us how to walk, where to walk ,what not to do thet’ll be handy ‘cos we’re amateurs, this walking is a professionals job now.  Gotta get the right shoes and coat.


Me, the presence I can’t escape, I can try to outwit me, but me usually catches me out. I have to face the fact I’m stuck with me. Me is tiring, me is my attention seeker, me is the maker of my indecisions of my insecurities of my badness and occasional goodness. For better or for worse, no divorce allowed, it’s me and me, both being the one, for ever and ever.