Travel log.

Important people like politicians travel first class so not to be too influenced by the underclass,
I travel second class it’s on my ticket like a badge of dishonor. 

Paying through the nose for a cup of brown water called coffee - I think a gram of coke would be cheaper. ‘Americano’ so called because it’s like  Trump -overrated , wrong color, and probably full of shit. 

So I have this ‘fair trade coffee’ served by a minimum wage slave, even before I drink it I know it will upset my tummy, (the last bit of bodily resistance to the daily poisoning).
‘Fair Trade’ coffee, what does that mean? What’s the ‘fair’ bit? the swings and roundabouts of international trade deals.

People watching, 
fellow travellers , 
different stations , 
same coffee, 
same luggage, 
same stress, where’s my passport, where’s my phone, 
where’s my bag ,the kids will find their own way home. 


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