
Stood at ‘arrivals’ - sliding doors, 
a constant stream of suitcase and tans, 
dazed overnighters, long distance backpacks, 
Grey men grey suits with laptop trollies,
Family re-unions, on-line lovers, 
drivers with names on cards, 
sportsmen, fans, 
secretive 'anons' with big sunglasses, 
Tears,fears, longing, sad, overjoyed, 
Eyes watching the eta board, well bored.
Funny hat and matching t-shirt tourists.
Headphone zombies,
Far off cultures looking dazed,
The young ‘omg’ looking ‘amazed’. 

overpriced coffee for the ones that play the waiting game.
Mums and Dads taxi Ltd
Friends and lovers clock watching, 
adjusting appearance, clutching flowers .
Smart phone watchers,
hugs and kisses
tears and laughter
“let’s talk after”
nods and winks, stares.
Welcomed, wasted, refused, illegal, sent back. 

Fun and games in the arrival zone. 


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