
Showing posts from November, 2019

Trendy is a frown.

Sitting in a Bar                   (lots of beards and haircuts) Drinking coffee from a jar (old jam jar) Sat down too quick            (on a crappy pallet) Felt a bit of a prick             (it was a splinter) No sanity here                     (ego mania) Not even Christmas cheer   (Too serious)

Death of a Friend.

By The Death of a Friend. We know that life is not forever.   We know our time here is short, too short. We know how sudden death can come, Death, our only certainty.   So leave no words unsaid, Leave no love unfelt, Share Joy, sadness, despair,   make memories life’s eternity.   It was your turn now dear Friend.   You faced the end with strength and dignity. Looked death in the eye, yet still thought of others. Proud to have known you.   Here lies a man, a ‘mate’, a friend, a brother.   Eternal sleep, Never to be forgotten.

Done Deal.

It was the bookshop that lured me into the Mall, like a best friend taking me to see his drug-dealing pal, A temple of things I don't really need Delis' and Tellys' Food and stuff Stuff the food Grazing people having a munch, making rash decisions based on a hunch. One more credit card one more stone (around the neck) of the drowning consumer. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we'll be on the telly bailiffs taking our goods. Us empty belly. The planet tells me that most 'goods' are bad, They won't cure your void They might drive you mad. The joke is on us the cameras are on us Have fun with the bling while it lasts. We used to gather around the telly now the Telly gathers around us.

The Blame Game.

When people ask ‘so what do you think about ...(whatever)’  I usually have an answer, even though I have probably not thought about it until they ask,  when do we ever actually really think about stuff nowadays longer than say 3 minutes?  We aren’t the ancient people of scholars and Gurus some of whom sat in caves or under trees thinking about shit for months or years,  searching every corner of their mind to formulate answers or solutions...  3 minutes max then we’re off onto the next tweet or post or headline.  That’s probably why the best we can come up with when faced with a problem is the easiest option.  “It’s The Blame game baby ! with your special host MC Populist , in tonights show we will be blaming Migrants, the Homeless, Old White Males, Young people, Snowflakes... yes even Generation Z won’t be going away empty handed and as a special treat, last but not least, ‘people who are a burden on us because they refuse to die’ yes La...