The Blame Game.

When people ask ‘so what do you think about ...(whatever)’ 
I usually have an answer, even though I have probably not thought about it until they ask, 
when do we ever actually really think about stuff nowadays longer than say 3 minutes? 
We aren’t the ancient people of scholars and Gurus some of whom sat in caves or under trees thinking about shit for months or years, 
searching every corner of their mind to formulate answers or solutions... 
3 minutes max then we’re off onto the next tweet or post or headline. 
That’s probably why the best we can come up with when faced with a problem is the easiest option. 

“It’s The Blame game baby ! with your special host MC Populist , in tonights show we will be blaming Migrants, the Homeless, Old White Males, Young people, Snowflakes... yes even Generation Z won’t be going away empty handed and as a special treat, last but not least, ‘people who are a burden on us because they refuse to die’ yes Ladies, Gents and other Genders -The sick and the disabled will be tonights headline attraction in The Blame Game! Let’s get on with the show! “


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