Shadows of a life cheaply spent.
Flashing images pass by,
Folk with obviously better lives than I
Reels of shows and parties and laughter
I sit and watch and wonder what happens after
When phones go dead, things not recorded
Not posted, not uploaded
Problems not sorted.
Shadows on the social media wall
Dancing, prancing, singing, and acting
Begging for likes, thumbs up, or follows
I scroll through streams
Watching other people's dreams
Trying to make sense of what it all means.
(Tik-Tok, the sound of time passing.)
Look at me, this selfie is just perfect
It’s me as I am,
as I act,
as I scream.
Heading to a future
as an influencer ‘has been’
When no selfie can hide
The end of my pride
The cracks in the mask
Visible to all
Not a big thing now
Just frightened and small.
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