All in the mind.
Madness. Mental health, we don’t say madness anymore, which is as far as I’m concerned madness, every couple of decennia we change words so as not to offend people, until the new words become offensive to the ultra sensitives. Anyway, madness, I am starting to think that I might be suffering from a form of it, I’m becoming a bit of a nutter. On top of that I am starting to forget the recent past, I can remember things from years ago, just don’t ask what I did yesterday, that is a mystery. In comedy, it comes down to me having to re-write whole pieces of my show every time I perform because I can’t remember what I talked about on stage last week. That’s the memory bit. The nutter bit is me constantly doing stuff I hate and yet repeating the behavior. Am I more of a nutter than I used to be? Maybe not, but I am noticing it more than I used to. It could be that the meditation exercises I do are making me more aware of my behavior, who knows? Don’t ask me I’m a s...