Climate, don't ask me my brain is in meltdown.

 Climate, now here’s my take.

What do I think about climate change? What do you think? I left school when I was 15, I worked in factories and had my own bar that went bankrupt and you’re asking me about climate change? What the flipflop do I know? I can’t even get the central heating working properly. Climate change, yeah it’s getting hotter and hotter and the weather generally seems to be a bit fucked up, more than that and you’ll have to ask an expert and that isn’t me. 

In most walks of life, I have to depend on the consensus of common sense and hope experts are getting it right, I wear a seat belt not just because it’s the law but also because going through a windshield at 70km an hour doesn’t sound like a thing I’ll enjoy, so I belt up. 

Same with the climate, I’ll recycle, wear a sweater indoors and turn the heating off or lower, I’ll take a shower once every two days and not spend long doing it, I’ll even start eating less and saving energy by turning off gadgets and lights when possible, I don’t have a problem if that will help, but those things are all people like me can do. If that’s the deal to get us back to living on a ‘humankind-sustainable planet’ I’m up for it, let’s go! Just as long as the billionaire class and the corporate giants are doing their bit as well, if not then the deal is off. Off, as in I will sit watching hours of TV in my underwear with the heating full on, shower twice a day eat strawberries at Christmas, wear t-shirts from Primark and not give a flying fuck. I’ll wait until we all float down the last remaining iceberg into a steaming sea of dead fish and human waste, by then I’ll be obese and will float for a while before starting to get gently cooked by the boiling water of what used to be the North Sea. As I melt I will leave the planet with a smile on my deformed face as I see Elon Musk and Richard Branson broiling alongside of me. ‘All for one and one for oil’. 

All I’m trying to say here is that with regard to climate change, it’s either serious or it’s not, if it is serious then we should by now all be a bit panicked into taking action, big steps to turn the clock back in our favour. Half-arsed measures of me not washing regularly and peeing in a bucket aren’t going to stop the rot. We either go at it or we settle in and wait for the end. So here I am waiting to hear what is expected and how we’re going to handle it, all I can do is live sparingly and wait, wait for that small percentage of people to realise that money doesn’t mean shit when there’s nowhere to go. 



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