
Showing posts from July, 2023

Ball of Confusion.

  Stuff my phone tells me to do. Eat better, find yourself, try this miracle weight loss programme, do these exercises, try this green stuff, eat more bananas - eat less bananas, Avocados do it, upload more content, be happy, relax with this special cushion, watch this endless series, like this, like me, give a like, follow me, follow him , follow her, check your gender pronouns, watch your age, switch your phone off, buy crypto currency, sell it sell it sell it, hate this bloke - cos he’s a man, love this woman-because she’s a woman, retweet, repost rewind, buy this new podcast studio, listen to this 56 hour podcast by this macho Neanderthal, use generalisations to fight discrimination, hate old people (just because they made it) , hate young people because they have a longer future, scroll, scroll, watch ads, order on line now! Order on line now!   Use this celebrity’s death to get more likes, pretend to be sad, look at me! Look at me! Look at me!… press the button turn it o...

A hard rain...

  Good Days with bad edges. I was up and out of bed this morning before the alarm clock could wake me, the alarm was set for 6:30 at 6:15 I was wide awake and just led there with my hand above the alarm clock ready to slam down on the ‘stop alarm’ button as soon as the bastard screamed its noise. I had slept really well, the new pillow from Ikea done the job, at last I seem to have found the perfect pillow after years of searching, although to be honest those were the thoughts I had when I bought the last one - also at Ikea.   Lack of a comfy pillow is the main cause of my frequent insomnia, I have always had problems with finding the right pillow, is it my head? Is it too heavy for the average pillow? When I was young my Mother used to tell me how ‘huge’ my head was, even at birth, she would tell me in gory detail about how my head ‘tore her open’, my head has been a constant worry. Not being ‘head confident’ has formed a part of my being, I never let my hair grow too long be...