Use it, then lose it.
Tuesday 12 Nov. The day after ‘remembrance day’, the day we forget what it was all about and go back to our day to day life of not giving a fuck about the fact that history is about to repeat itself in a very dark way. Right wing politicians going to remembrance services while advocating policies that will take us back (politically) to the darkest years of the 1930’s. That my friends is satire, sad but also funny, the hypocrisy of us Sapiens knows no bounds, and we are all guilty of it in one way or the other. I claim to be worried about the climate and I despise the way we plunder the world and it’s resources, yet at the same time I also order things on line, mostly things I need, but sometimes things that after two or three weeks (at most) get shoved in one of the drawers (if I can find space) never to be used again. We have, these last few years, developed a sort of consumerism Bulimia , using consumer goods the same way as some of us use food, as a comfor...