
Showing posts from 2024

Use it, then lose it.

  Tuesday 12 Nov. The day after ‘remembrance day’, the day we forget what it was all about and go back to our day to day life of not giving a fuck about the fact that history is about to repeat itself in a very dark way.   Right wing politicians going to remembrance services while advocating policies that will take us back (politically) to the darkest years of the 1930’s.   That my friends is satire, sad but also funny, the hypocrisy of us Sapiens knows no bounds, and we are all guilty of it in one way or the other.   I claim to be worried about the climate and I despise the way we plunder the world and it’s resources, yet at the same time I also order things on line, mostly things I need, but sometimes things that after two or three weeks (at most) get shoved in one of the drawers (if I can find space) never to be used again. We have, these last few years, developed a sort of consumerism Bulimia , using consumer goods the same way as some of us use food, as a comfor...

And here we are.

  Thursday October 24th 2024  o.k. as you are. I listen to podcasts, try to stay informed, trying to find the key to whatever it is I’m looking for. Does all this listening give me any feeling of a well spent life? They fill the day(s), that’s about it. I sometimes listen to American based comedians talking to other celebs and creators in the hope something might rub off on me, it doesn’t, I just wake up tired, every friggin’ day.   At one point during Covid while still in ‘lockdown’ I started to become more aware of myself, I was the only person I had real any real knowledge of. I started looking in to the more spiritual side of life. I promised myself I would sign up for Yoga lessons after the lockdown (if anything were still to exist then).   Meanwhile I would try doing Yoga from an old book I have, written by a woman displayed on the cover in full leggings and shiny Yoga gear. I tried it in my baggy boxers and t-shirt, it was stretching, I felt a teeny bit better...

Refreshing Freshwater.

  I might not have participated in the Olympics, but during the marathon, I made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and washed the dishes—a record time! I have buckets of respect for Olympic athletes, but I didn’t watch much of it. I also try to put in ‘personal best’ times for chores, and I have some writing to get done. The garden also needs some TLC, so sitting in front of the television admiring the strength and endurance of athletes won’t help me. What I do enjoy are the interviews with the medal winners. Hearing how much training and effort they put into getting this far reminds me that there are times when we all need to develop some of that discipline to improve or train ourselves for our favourite hobbies or jobs. So, I’m trying to spend less time in front of the screen, whether it be on TV or idly scrolling social media pages on my phone. The time that we waste on endless streams of (let’s be honest) trivial B.S. doesn’t help us at all.  I enjoy gardening and performing st...

King Dong.

  King Dong. While I was meditating, I was getting flashbacks to my youth. At school, there used to be a boy called Andrew Wiggins; he was known amongst us boys as the boy you don’t want to stand next to in the shower; Andrew was blessed (or cursed) with having the most significant ‘Willy’ of us all, it wasn’t just a bit bigger than ours, it was huge, in fact it looked a bit like some of those deep sea monsters you see on sea life documentaries appearing from under a rock on the bottom of the ocean.  We used to crack jokes, asking him what he fed the thing; we were in complete puberty and were amazed at anything and everything bodily; a girl in our class, for example, had six toes on one foot. Everyone wanted to date her just because of that one fact.  Andrew Wiggins was also very muscular, good at sports, and a lovely lad; he wasn’t a bully; if you had him as a friend, you were pretty much safe from the boneheaded bullies that hung around. His speciality in sport was the...