
Showing posts from January, 2017

Fake News.

The year has only just started and the phrase of the year has already been awarded, 2017 will be the year of ‘fake news’ or as they used to call it ‘propaganda’. The only difference being is that because of the internet any of us ,given the time and the will , can produce ‘fake news’. Does it matter?  Well it matters to the chattering classes the ones that make ‘informed decisions’ ,but to most of us it doesn’t matter, we have other shit to do.  We have photos to post on instagram of the breakfast we ate, or the lunch we had or our cat’s new hat. We are too busy duck-facing ourselves onto selfies that will increase our likes on one or other so called social media.  Talking of fake news, the whole of our little rich western life is fake, nothing is real, so why worry just about the news. Friends aren’t real, friends are just people we don’t know that like our shit on facebook. Most of the ‘spontaneous’ photos we post are carefully put in scene. Nothing is real, an...

20th of January -the day of the Donald.

Whatever happens after the date , January 20th will go down in the history books as 'The day of the Donald'. Whatever you think of the whole situation it is a game changer. For me it seems like we have entered a new 'age' ,an age where politics has made itself redundant and we are now being run by the banks and corporations and the clowns they choose to take up the irrelevant positions in the public 'politics arena'. Politics seems to be the arm of Banks and corporations that redirects our anger at those who have no involvement in the ruination of our social and economic system. The banks and corporations that really run the show need politicians to avert our anger from them onto immigrants, other countries, anybody that doesn't look like us and the 'enemies within' that oppose those banks and corporations. I think the election of Donald trump is the establishments answer to the aftermath of the bank crisis and the rise of protest groups like ...