20th of January -the day of the Donald.
Whatever happens after the date , January 20th will go down in the history books as 'The day of the Donald'. Whatever you think of the whole situation it is a game changer.
For me it seems like we have entered a new 'age' ,an age where politics has made itself redundant and we are now being run by the banks and corporations and the clowns they choose to take up the irrelevant positions in the public 'politics arena'.
Politics seems to be the arm of Banks and corporations that redirects our anger at those who have no involvement in the ruination of our social and economic system. The banks and corporations that really run the show need politicians to avert our anger from them onto immigrants, other countries, anybody that doesn't look like us and the 'enemies within' that oppose those banks and corporations.
I think the election of Donald trump is the establishments answer to the aftermath of the bank crisis and the rise of protest groups like 'Occupy' .
We get so much fake and nep news thrown over us everyday we no longer know what's true and what is not, from that we become disinterested in politics and that is the aim - that we become screen staring morons that leave the 'politics' to the banks and corporations that own us and use us like battery chickens that click -cluck and buy their on-line produce.
That's my state of the world anyway. :-)
I promise I won't be posting this 'political' shit every blog, but it's what is bothering me at this present time, and that is what a blog is about right? A sort of on-line diary, the stuff that goes on in the head and is ok for public consumption -trust me you don't want to know everything that goes on in my head- much the same as yours probably, some things are best left under the stone where they reside.
If you enjoy reading this blog (I try to keep it short so you can read it during a coffee break, please share it with others, I don't advertise.
Anyway have fun watching the Presidents inauguration on January the 20th, it'll be a great show- The Mormon Tabernacle choir will be there (rock and friggin' roll) , the young girl that came 2nd in America's got talent and a group of dancers - hopefully not the one's on a pole that pissed on the 'press' (fake news alert).
See ya!
For me it seems like we have entered a new 'age' ,an age where politics has made itself redundant and we are now being run by the banks and corporations and the clowns they choose to take up the irrelevant positions in the public 'politics arena'.
Politics seems to be the arm of Banks and corporations that redirects our anger at those who have no involvement in the ruination of our social and economic system. The banks and corporations that really run the show need politicians to avert our anger from them onto immigrants, other countries, anybody that doesn't look like us and the 'enemies within' that oppose those banks and corporations.
I think the election of Donald trump is the establishments answer to the aftermath of the bank crisis and the rise of protest groups like 'Occupy' .
We get so much fake and nep news thrown over us everyday we no longer know what's true and what is not, from that we become disinterested in politics and that is the aim - that we become screen staring morons that leave the 'politics' to the banks and corporations that own us and use us like battery chickens that click -cluck and buy their on-line produce.
That's my state of the world anyway. :-)
I promise I won't be posting this 'political' shit every blog, but it's what is bothering me at this present time, and that is what a blog is about right? A sort of on-line diary, the stuff that goes on in the head and is ok for public consumption -trust me you don't want to know everything that goes on in my head- much the same as yours probably, some things are best left under the stone where they reside.
If you enjoy reading this blog (I try to keep it short so you can read it during a coffee break, please share it with others, I don't advertise.
Anyway have fun watching the Presidents inauguration on January the 20th, it'll be a great show- The Mormon Tabernacle choir will be there (rock and friggin' roll) , the young girl that came 2nd in America's got talent and a group of dancers - hopefully not the one's on a pole that pissed on the 'press' (fake news alert).
See ya!
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