Fake News.
The year has only just started and the phrase of the year has already been awarded, 2017 will be the year of ‘fake news’ or as they used to call it ‘propaganda’. The only difference being is that because of the internet any of us ,given the time and the will , can produce ‘fake news’. Does it matter?
Well it matters to the chattering classes the ones that make ‘informed decisions’ ,but to most of us it doesn’t matter, we have other shit to do.
We have photos to post on instagram of the breakfast we ate, or the lunch we had or our cat’s new hat. We are too busy duck-facing ourselves onto selfies that will increase our likes on one or other so called social media.
Talking of fake news, the whole of our little rich western life is fake, nothing is real, so why worry just about the news. Friends aren’t real, friends are just people we don’t know that like our shit on facebook. Most of the ‘spontaneous’ photos we post are carefully put in scene. Nothing is real, and that seems to have always been our aim.
History teaches us that history is written by the winners, not by the defeated, heroic victories in battle were heroic because we won, the other side didn’t like the battle that much :-( sad face. So why worry about the news, it’s not that we can do anything about any of it. There are no good guys or bad guys anymore, we’ll just wait and see what happens.
We have all these technological toys that should entertain us until death, so why the long face? Scientists can actually grow hamburgers in a petri dish , grow a frigging hamburger! no slaughterhouse, no excess bullshit, no cruelty they can actually grow a hamburger!!! Do you realise what this may mean in the future? It means that ‘real’ dildos are an option ladies, and for the lovers of weird stuff false pussy is coming to a on-line outlet near you! The world is our oyster!
We used to dream of an amazing future, remember when you had an imagination and used to day dream? when you used to say ‘what if’... We can’t do that anymore because the ‘what if’ is possible and gets done, there are no boundaries or restrictions anymore, we live in the ‘what if’ that has become reality. So get out there and enjoy it. Even the President of the USA is a ‘what if’ (with a bit of WTF! thrown in) come true! We now have a president who can generate more on-line business just by tweeting than anyone before him could with legislation. Donald Trump is the ultimate ‘what if’ come true.
Our dreams have been taken from us, we can’t keep up with the potential, even before we have the chance to think up a ‘what if’ it’s already been done. Except for the big ‘what if’, I mean the ‘what if’ to end all ‘what ifs’ the one we won’t even get to experience (a split second maybe). You know the one I’m talking about the ‘mushroom cloud’ what if.
Enjoy the toys, have fun, it might happen it might not, who knows, no-one can predict it, but we live in an age where we can never say never. So enjoy life, thanks to fake news we won’t see it coming or know who started it or who’s to blame, we won’t have to worry and if the worst comes to the worst it’ll all be over before you can take a selfie and hashtag it #Iwasthereattheend.
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