Peace out!
There seems to be a lot of angry people on the planet, the news, social media, traffic, on the streets even my yoga teacher is pissed off at the fact that people don’t switch off their phones during meditation. Last week as I left the ‘quiet room’ I heard him scream “turn off your fucking phone dickface I’m trying to relax here you fucking hipster c*** .”
It was reassuring to hear that even the teacher hasn’t yet reached his Nirvana.
A lot of people are angry, angry at Trump, angry at anti Trump protesters, Brexiteers, anti Brexiteers, anti refugees, anti anti refugees, muslims,anti muslims, vegetarians, anti vegetarians , you name the subject and somebody somewhere is spouting off on Twitter, Facebook or some other so say ‘social’ network about it. Everybody has an opinion and now we’ve found a way of ventilating it. There used to be a time when all this anger was contained to our local bar or family get togethers, now it’s all out there, digitalised hatred and anger, and it seems to be getting worse.
I used to be an angry comedian, it was a game, find a subject get angry, spout off on stage get some laughs, go home, relax. Then I started taking it seriously, the ‘character’ on stage took over , I was really angry, comedy had rekindled my anti capitalist urban warrior self that I thought I’d left behind on the factory floor. I was really angry, for years, but not now, now everybody is angry so it’s become middle of the road, if you want to be ‘edgy’ now you need to be calm,cool and collected. Yeah!
I’ve found good karma, I’ve lost my anger, which doesn’t mean I’ve lost my aversion to injustice and bad politics. It’s just that I have at last mastered the fine art of not giving too much of a fuck about things. I’ll still help out, go to demonstrations etc etc ,fly the flag for equality and fairness. But I can’t get angry about things. With all this hate around it’s become comical to see people getting all worked up and a clenched fist away from their first coronary about some bullshit politician.
I’ve come to the conclusion that life is actually too short to stay addicted to conflict. Another conclusion of mine is that we (so say) superior apes will always have a certain percentage of bad apes among us, the ones that just can’t stop throwing shit around. Good guys bad guys, every couple of years one or the other side gets the upper hand and the other side start reacting and the shit throwing starts up again. Well as from now I’ll try and wean myself off the shit throwing, the detox will be hard, and there will be relapses , but try I will.
Going cold turkey on hating 'dick figures' like Erdogan (trying Irony there).
Conflict is sooooo outdated, it’s time to make love not war, we need to reanimate the hippy go lucky 60’s mentality before we all just start crushing each others skulls on the street like some ‘Walking Dead’ scene.
Chill out people, if I’m trying anyone can. If you find you still need to kill because you heard your god tell you too then you need a psychiatrist not a war.
So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em, cool down, turn off the news and turn on some good music, tell politicians to go fuck themselves and smoke the peacepipe with all the rest.
And if you can’t? then fuck you you c*** !!
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