
Showing posts from May, 2017

Warming up.

I don’t want to become one of those old guys who’s only preoccupation is the weather, but we do need to talk about it.  It’s still May and the temperatures in places like Belgium, Holland and Germany are in the 30’s , now I don’t want to draw any hasty conclusions but may I just say that it’s not friggin’ normal, whatever ‘normal’ still means in this age of abnormality (in all walks of life) being the new normal. It’s hot and I can’t handle it, if I were to convince myself that it would stay like this -for ever- I would consider setting up home in a cellar. We homo-sapiens don’t belong to the same family as lizards, this is not the environment we should be living in -end of discussion. I don’t get people who just lay in the sun all day and think it’s the best way to live. Anything above 28° and my brain goes into seizure, all I can do is find some shade or airco and wait until normality returns. But what if it didn’t ? What if this is the start of the ‘end times’ ? What if i...

The heat is on, build the defences.

Barcelona May 26th. It’s May ,it’s 34 degrees celsius, I’m in Barcelona. Once more I realise I’m not a person that functions well when the heat reaches this level. I don’t see the attracton of having to split the day into two sleep patterns and two ‘doing the shit you need to do’ -patterns.  I was booked to do some Comedy at a conference in Barcelona, and decided to stay an extra two days after the event and visit a friend- Tom, who lives in the town of Rubi nearby.  I’ve stayed with Tom and his family before, nice people, great kids, I was here last year in June ,so I should have remembered how oppressive this heat can be. Staying with Tom I get to see Spain as seen by people that actually live and work there, another advantage is that I don’t fall into the tourist traps and -the real reason I’m here- me and Tom like to solve the worlds problems in one of the small bars in the town square, any bar actually as long as it’s in the shadow. Tom has lived here 25 years but-l...

So anyway.......

It's been a long time since I've blogged on this page, sorry for the regular users. I've had a busy time, the show I was touring with in Belgium has come to it's end, and I have decided to stop doing these (themed) Theatre monologues, and get back to doing stand-up comedy in line-ups wherever I can. So I am now bookable for Comedy evenings in Cafés ,bars, clubs and wherever. Free as a bird. Best way to contact me for that is at  - feel free. I have also started doing a daily podcast- you read it right, daily podcast  , it's only 15 minutes, I do it in Dutch. So I'm trying different things at the moment, to see what fits me and what I want to do with the rest of the time on this planet :-)  (don't we all). The possibilities we have nowadays to connect with each other seem never ending, I mean even the President of the USA uses Twitter more than he uses traditional media. What we call 'the comedy season' is coming to an end, there...