
Showing posts from July, 2017

Establishment Manifesto

Put more sugar in their diet, put more lard on the arse, feed ‘em breed ‘em. Keep ‘em plugged in and switched on,let them consume ,consume consume. Don’t forget to tell ‘em this is paradise and that they are happy, give ‘em whacky DJ’s and feel good tunes, give ‘em Adele and Coldplay for the sad days, pour it in pour it in.  Just keep ‘em occupied, occupy their brain, no time for pain, keep ‘em running, keep ‘em scared. Zero hours contract and zero hours truth.  Give ‘em sport, give ‘em a flag, give ‘em an enemy within and another without. Let ‘em worry ,worry worry ...........and fridays give ‘em a curry.

Free Credit for all.

Life expectancy is your free credit, The only free credit you'll get to see, It's interest free, in fact of interest to nobody. So use it ,get on with it, just remember there is no re-finance, there is no government funding, there is no emergency bail out Life insurance is that you use it and get out God isn't your Saviour just a bailiff, Move over, roll over,get out. Next please!


I've never been a fighter, yet everyday I fight, my opponent is always me. Usually he wins, but sometimes I catch him with a sucker punch, and set us both free, for a while.

Starting a story.

It started out ok, the alarm went off as usual three minutes before six a.m. time enough to gather the senses and prepare for the day to start, waiting for the usual tid bits of information called ‘the news’. ‘Who is it that decides what’s news and what’s not?’ Steve thought. ‘I mean there must be millions and millions of ‘things going on’ all over the world, so who chooses what we Brits get to hear as being ‘the news’? There must be some person somewhere filtering it, or is it a commitee that meets at the dead of night somewhere in Broadcasting house, or wherever it is that the BBC now resides.’ ‘how come we never get to hear about what goes on in Canada for example? I mean although it’s more peace loving than it’s southern neighbour, something must go on there surely?’ ‘Whatever’ he sighed and rolled on his side, hand hovering above the off button ready to press when the news got too tedious or in his eyes downright Tory propaganda. The newsreader just had time to say ‘The Prime M...

Never Scorn the Scone.

It's all very 'bon' to call it a Scone, But I've always known You should call it a Scone. But I wouldn't moan when eating the Scone If the cream's not gone feel free to say Scone

what holidays are for.

I often wonder why it is we like so much to go on holidays to 'other places', places we love to brag about to our friends and family when we're back home in the day to day and the nine to five existence. I mean, if we love these places so much why don't we just go live there? Then they would become the 'normal and the boring, and going on holiday would probably mean going back to where we started. The going 'on holiday' is not so much about the place we go, it's more about the change we allow ourselves to have. On holiday you see folk suddenly become different people, more energetic, or just more laid back, more book reading or more dangerous sports. We wear different clothes, the stupid t-shirts sold at holiday destinations aren't there by accident. You'll see dads embarrass their children by suddenly wearing a weird hat, mothers that suddenly become beach divas, reliving the dreams of their youth (long forgotten). On holiday we get the feeling...

The confused sexist.

Today I went for a walk in town, just as I was entering a shop I realised there was a lady behind me ,so as I was taught when young I opened the door and let her in first. For this I received short sharp abuse, she told me she was capable of opening a door herself and that I shouldn't 'belittle' her. Totally confused, I went home and wrote this verse. No offence intended. Well hello girls, Ladies and Dames.  I don’t want to intrude  be offensive or rude, but I’ve lost my way in the gender game,   pleasing and teasing is what evolution has made  me accept as the way a man should  behave,  Please tell me, if I misbehave  When and where I’m playing the sexist charade?  Is opening a door for a Lady now bad?  Does it mean I just want her, and she’s right to get mad Does standing for a dame on a overfull train  disrespect her  please tell, I need you to explain,  the do’s and the don’ts in this gender game...