The confused sexist.

Today I went for a walk in town, just as I was entering a shop I realised there was a lady behind me ,so as I was taught when young I opened the door and let her in first. For this I received short sharp abuse, she told me she was capable of opening a door herself and that I shouldn't 'belittle' her.
Totally confused, I went home and wrote this verse. No offence intended.

Well hello girls, Ladies and Dames. 
I don’t want to intrude 
be offensive or rude,
but I’ve lost my way in the gender game,  
pleasing and teasing is what evolution has made 
me accept as the way a man should  behave, 
Please tell me, if I misbehave 
When and where I’m playing the sexist charade? 
Is opening a door for a Lady now bad? 
Does it mean I just want her, and she’s right to get mad
Does standing for a dame on a overfull train 
disrespect her  please tell, I need you to explain, 
the do’s and the don’ts in this gender game. 
Pray tell, what should I do? 
do I talk first or wait until I hear from you? 
do I ignore you and cast my gaze away 
when obviously you’ve worked on that look all day. 
I mean you look good, and I mean foxy, 
but I don’t want to be sexist even by proxy.
The discussion is raging, I get it, it’s mad 
that in this age some guys are still oh so sad. 
But what should I do?  not knowing right from strong.
If everything I do makes me look like kong.
Are there rules to the game? ‘cos I used to get beat,
for not standing for a lady and giving up my seat.
To open a door for a lady ,said mom,is what made me a man.
“you should show some respect whenever you can.
You see, my mom was the first lady for me,
so what she said was the rules for how I should be. 
She was a lady that’s all that I’m saying,
so following her rules means I’m not straying. 
 Please take my seat, I mean you no disrespect,
a Lady once taught me  this is what she’d expect.


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