what holidays are for.

I often wonder why it is we like so much to go on holidays to 'other places', places we love to brag about to our friends and family when we're back home in the day to day and the nine to five existence. I mean, if we love these places so much why don't we just go live there? Then they would become the 'normal and the boring, and going on holiday would probably mean going back to where we started.
The going 'on holiday' is not so much about the place we go, it's more about the change we allow ourselves to have. On holiday you see folk suddenly become different people, more energetic, or just more laid back, more book reading or more dangerous sports. We wear different clothes, the stupid t-shirts sold at holiday destinations aren't there by accident. You'll see dads embarrass their children by suddenly wearing a weird hat, mothers that suddenly become beach divas, reliving the dreams of their youth (long forgotten). On holiday we get the feeling of freedom to become who ever we want, a freedom that's not that easy in the rut we've created for ourselves back in the 'day to day'.
Playfulness returns, a natural human trait. A couple of weeks a year of being just whoever you want to be, you can stroll along a beach and in your mind you are a mysterious strong type of guy, in your mind you see people wondering who you are, freedom, freedom freedom- that soon becomes boring and you yearn for the day to day and the safety of the nine to five. You realize that where you are and what you've got is probably what you need. A holiday is the suspension of reality, a reminder that there is a way out of the mundane, but also the realization that you are more or less happy where you are.


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