Time moves on, it's Saturday now which means I've been home from hospital almost a week. I'm gradually easing off the pain killers and other meds, my blood (clotting) levels are back to what they should be and Monday I'll have my first gig (in Flanders) again and pretty soon the operation will be a distant past and all the little ups and downs I feel will have to be kept to myself as people don't really want to know how you are when they ask that question.
Most of the time I don't want to talk about my bigger and bigger collection of replacement joints that I seem to be collecting either, nowadays ,with the science and technology we have ,it's not such a big deal. I've known for some years that one day my knees and hips would 'go' and would have to be replaced, so I taught myself to build up for it, get the leg muscles fit before the op, leave the op to the best professionals there are in the area, 'post op' do all the exercises and move on (literally) , and so it is now, so this will be the last you'll hear about hip 2.
I started my show this week in Bonn with these words 'Good Evening and Welcome, it's a great time to be human! don't you think?' - It was the start of a comedic rant I went into on the arrogance of us - humans- conquering the world and laying waste to much of nature in the process, leaving us with only ourselves to 'conquer' and destroy.
It was my twisted comedic way of describing the duality of humankind - 'Great time to be human' ? yes ,well if you live in the west or are really really rich it's a great time in our evolution -look at me for christ's sake, rebuilt! We have all the fun little toys, distance is no longer an obstacle to keeping in touch with loved ones , at our fingertips most of us have a device that was originally developed to be able to phone and talk to people all over the globe, but now we can do so much more with it. In a way we are in danger of becoming 'too big for our boots' 'punching above our weight' , we have all these amazing devices, medical science has given each of us -not eternal life - but a life expectancy way above all of our planetary predecessors, but -and this should be written BUT -we have lost so much of what makes us human. We may be interconnected, and 'wired with the world' but in our immediate proximity we are growing more and more lonely and disconnected having hundreds or even thousands of friends on Facebook and co, many ,or almost all of whom we have never met, but at the same time we have never actually talked to the next door neighbor. That my friends (many of whom I've never met :-) ) is where we lose our 'humanity' , we are creatures that need solidarity and the warmth of the 'group', be it family, (real) friends or neighbors. Having day to day contact with others is what keeps us in check with society and whatever we call 'normality' at that point. Left to our own devices with no checks and balances our brain plays tricks on us, when we have no set values or sense of order or restraint, then we let the dogs lose in our brain,we become a sort of warped version of what we were. Having said this what do I intend to do about it? Well..... 'I'm different I like my own company, I don't need people around, I'm a loner' and other excuses haha. Seriously, what I will try is to enjoy this 'human victory', enjoy the fact that I can now walk almost painlessly because of human intelligence and progress, I'll have fun with all the little technological toys we have at our fingertips but at the same time I'll try to regain contact with what makes us tick- human contact. When out walking ,look up, take a look, a real look at what and -more importantly- who is around us and now and then strike up a conversation, create a sort of 'real life Facebook' . Howdy neighbor!
Most of the time I don't want to talk about my bigger and bigger collection of replacement joints that I seem to be collecting either, nowadays ,with the science and technology we have ,it's not such a big deal. I've known for some years that one day my knees and hips would 'go' and would have to be replaced, so I taught myself to build up for it, get the leg muscles fit before the op, leave the op to the best professionals there are in the area, 'post op' do all the exercises and move on (literally) , and so it is now, so this will be the last you'll hear about hip 2.
I started my show this week in Bonn with these words 'Good Evening and Welcome, it's a great time to be human! don't you think?' - It was the start of a comedic rant I went into on the arrogance of us - humans- conquering the world and laying waste to much of nature in the process, leaving us with only ourselves to 'conquer' and destroy.
It was my twisted comedic way of describing the duality of humankind - 'Great time to be human' ? yes ,well if you live in the west or are really really rich it's a great time in our evolution -look at me for christ's sake, rebuilt! We have all the fun little toys, distance is no longer an obstacle to keeping in touch with loved ones , at our fingertips most of us have a device that was originally developed to be able to phone and talk to people all over the globe, but now we can do so much more with it. In a way we are in danger of becoming 'too big for our boots' 'punching above our weight' , we have all these amazing devices, medical science has given each of us -not eternal life - but a life expectancy way above all of our planetary predecessors, but -and this should be written BUT -we have lost so much of what makes us human. We may be interconnected, and 'wired with the world' but in our immediate proximity we are growing more and more lonely and disconnected having hundreds or even thousands of friends on Facebook and co, many ,or almost all of whom we have never met, but at the same time we have never actually talked to the next door neighbor. That my friends (many of whom I've never met :-) ) is where we lose our 'humanity' , we are creatures that need solidarity and the warmth of the 'group', be it family, (real) friends or neighbors. Having day to day contact with others is what keeps us in check with society and whatever we call 'normality' at that point. Left to our own devices with no checks and balances our brain plays tricks on us, when we have no set values or sense of order or restraint, then we let the dogs lose in our brain,we become a sort of warped version of what we were. Having said this what do I intend to do about it? Well..... 'I'm different I like my own company, I don't need people around, I'm a loner' and other excuses haha. Seriously, what I will try is to enjoy this 'human victory', enjoy the fact that I can now walk almost painlessly because of human intelligence and progress, I'll have fun with all the little technological toys we have at our fingertips but at the same time I'll try to regain contact with what makes us tick- human contact. When out walking ,look up, take a look, a real look at what and -more importantly- who is around us and now and then strike up a conversation, create a sort of 'real life Facebook' . Howdy neighbor!
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