House of Lard.
House of Lard.
The American elections are a thing of the past and the judicial outcome is a thing of the future, Biden won but Trump wants to have another go, and this time through the courts. At the moment Trumps only evidence seems to be ‘There was Fraud because I say so’.
I take it for granted that ‘sleepy Joe’ Biden will be the next President and Donald- the ‘stable genius’-Trump will be resigned to a reality show or a mental health care facility for the next four years, maybe he can try again then, by that time he might have become an adult.
So there he goes, the first ‘Celebrity Culture President’, like it or not, this election got the biggest electoral turn-out in the history of U.S. elections, so if you are living in a country where there is a huge divide between the populace and politics, get yourselves a celebrity as candidate, and bridge that gap.
Looking at both Candidates I can’t help thinking that a lot of people must have been voting for what in their mind ‘the least of all evils’ was. By that I mean that a lot of votes maybe weren’t ‘for’ a candidate, but ‘against’ the other candidate.
How many voters voted Biden because their main aim was to rid America of Trump and his (choose any combination) racism/misogyny/arrogance/hate speeches and of course his hair?
There might also be people-the ones that Hillary called the ‘Deplorable’- who are just tired of ‘politics as usual’ tired of the same old crony politics that keeps the poor basically poor and the rich very very rich. There could be people who voted for Trump because they like the turmoil he creates in a system they hate.
Then there are of course a few nut jobs that think God sent Trump to rid America of ‘heathens’, these people are clinically insane and should, on that alone, lose their voting rights (relax God, its just a joke).
Personally I’m glad Trump lost, but Biden isn’t the guy who will revolutionise American politics and get rid of the inequalities that leave millions of American citizens living in poverty, its Monday tomorrow , just see how Wall Street reacts, they’re probably happy that Trump is gone so they can get back to ripping off the poor of the world and supporting the further rape of the planet without losing friends on the international monetary scene because of Trump.
So there it was, world leaders were in suspense and held their breath, I was hoping that some of them would have held their breath a little longer… like Putin, Erdogan, the guy from Brazil and a few other members of the ‘nutty world leader elite’.
I bet Boris Johnson for example will be re-assessing his approach to the Brexit negotiations now his main sponsor of ‘amazing trade deals’ won’t be around. In the U.K., politicians are always talking of the ‘special relationship’ between the U.K. and the US, the ‘special’ thing being that the UK cares about the ‘relationship’ but the U.S. doesn’t really give a sh**, the U.K. is just some place where they can maybe dump some bad meat, and get their planes refuelled on the way to some far off war zone.
So now the U.S. elections are over, we can get back to fighting that other virus, Corona/Covid 19, but not for long, because the second series of ‘Brexit’ will be airing soon and you don’t want to miss any episode of that.
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