
Showing posts from 2022

All in the mind.

  Madness. Mental health, we don’t say madness anymore, which is as far as I’m concerned madness, every couple of decennia we change words so as not to offend people, until the new words become offensive to the ultra sensitives.   Anyway, madness, I am starting to think that I might be suffering from a form of it, I’m becoming a bit of a nutter. On top of that I am starting to forget the recent past, I can remember things from years ago, just don’t ask what I did yesterday, that is a mystery.   In comedy, it comes down to me having to re-write whole pieces of my show every time I perform because I can’t remember what I talked about on stage last week. That’s the memory bit.   The nutter bit is me constantly doing stuff I hate and yet repeating the behavior. Am I more of a nutter than I used to be? Maybe not, but I am noticing it more than I used to. It could be that the meditation exercises I do are making me more aware of my behavior, who knows? Don’t ask me I’m a s...

Looking through the window.

 All great leaders are dead, or history is a lie. Do you ever wake up with the feeling that some teeth have mysteriously grown?  Kids at school can learn all the math they want they still won't be able to solve the problem of trying to survive on average pay. In the parallel economy it's hard to make ends meet. Ever wonder how many breaths you have left.  A Poem. All I see on my tv are talking heads called Celebrities A shiny one, a laughy one, a pretty one and more, a young one, an old one they must be bred by the score. Some have sung, some have acted some have talents unknown. One thing they have in common, they're on the telly so you'll never hear them moan Always happy all teeth and smiles, no problems, no debt or pain But the trouble with this ego herd they're all the fucking same.

Casual thoughts on a weekday, in the mist between Christmas and New Year.

 I'm getting old and I have to adapt. (and pee a lot more) Everything changes, is changing, and that's good, it's always been that way, now I'm on the receiving end of evolution. I watch my language try to follow the new norm, the new sensitivities. People with multicoloured hair talking to me about gender and gender fluency, don't they now? that when I was their age I was a fan of David Bowie. Although I was an idiot back then (more than now) If you had talked to me about gender fluid I would have thought about the stains on my bed linnen. But David Bowie? he was already into all that stuff. (btw my dog thinks my leg is gender neutral). One good thing about this getting old gig, I don't have to worry about long term problems. I'm retro, pre-loved, second hand, antique and my prosthetics make me kind of bric a brac.  I'd like to meet the person who makes up all the pretentious names for all the different sorts of coffee you can order, and force feed the ...


  Cold. I was waiting in line at the checkout of our local supermarket.   Loading all the stuff we think we’ll need on to the conveyor belt.   I noticed that the guy behind me only had two chocolate bars.   I said “go ahead you only have the two chocolate bars, you can go before me”. He answered with a smile, “It’s ok, I can wait, it’s cold outside”.   The next day I saw him again, this time sat on his blanket in a shop doorway. I dropped some money in his cup.   We smiled, I moved on, it was cold.

What to do.

  What should we do?   What should we do when the fire goes out?   When nothing can touch us when everything is doubt.   What should we do when our battery is dead?   When we sit in the dark and live in our head. What should we do when each day is the same?   When life is just boring and we’re not in the game.   What should we do when our brain is just mist? When feelings are gone and we just want to get pissed.   When nothing seems real When everything is a reel   An instagram story or fake or a steal.   Switch it all off.   Start a new deal.

Shadows of a life cheaply spent.

  Flashing images pass by, Folk with obviously better lives than I Reels of shows and parties and laughter I sit and watch and wonder what happens after When phones go dead, things not recorded Not posted, not uploaded Problems not sorted. Shadows on the social media wall Dancing, prancing, singing, and acting Begging for likes, thumbs up, or follows I scroll through streams   Watching other people's dreams Trying to make sense of what it all means. (Tik-Tok, the sound of time passing.) Look at me, this selfie is just perfect It’s me as I am, as I act, as I scream. Heading to a future   as an influencer ‘has been’ When no selfie can hide The end of my pride The cracks in the mask   Visible to all Not a big thing now Just frightened and small.  


  Put more sugar in their diet,  put more lard on the arse,  feed ‘em breed ‘em. Keep ‘em plugged in and switched on, let them consume, consume consume. Don’t forget to tell ‘em this is paradise and that they are happy,  give ‘em whacky DJs and feel-good tunes,  give ‘em Adele and Coldplay for the sad days,  pour it in pour it on.  Just keep ‘em occupied, occupy their brain, no time for pain, keep ‘em running, keep ‘em scared. Zero hours contract and zero-hours truth.  Give ‘em sport, give ‘em a flag,  give ‘em an enemy within and another without.  Let ‘em worry, worry… and on Fridays give ‘em a curry.

January . Even the Cold war has become hot.

  Wednesday, January 26th, 2020. As January draws to an end, we sit in our houses with lights and heating out and our masks on because of energy prices and foul breath. Russia is on the brink of annexing Ukraine which could mean all-out nuclear war with the United States if Joe Biden can remember where he put the keys to the Nuclear Codes. The only positive outcome could be that Putin would still allow Ukraine to take part in the Eurovision Song Festival.   Fearlessly Boris Johnson threatened Russia if it should invade Ukraine, Putin retaliated by buying the last two properties in central London that aren’t already in Russian ownership.   The E.U. has also issued threats to Putin, saying action on his part would mean sanctions and the creation of sub-committees to investigate further sanctions after first investigating the possibility to create a think tank that would work out suggestions of retaliatory actions. ( P.S. can we still get that gas) NATO sources say that Ukra...