Social (mentally ill) Media

 Social media health guide.

Social media is lots of things but it’s also a continual stream of people telling you ‘how to live healthier’, ‘how to live without stress’, ‘how to get a good nights sleep’, ‘how to meditate’, ‘why not to meditate’, ‘how to exercise’, ‘how coffee helps you’, ‘how coffee destroys your health’ in short, how to do everything and anything… It’s the best way to feel bad about yourself watching some - white painted teeth - always upbeat - influencer tell you how to get out of bed refreshed every morning at 6 am go for a 5 mile hike, then come back home write a fucking book have a nutritional breakfast to activate your brain, and the day hasn’t really started yet… Meanwhile it’s 8 am and you’re still contemplating whether you need a shit or a pee, and realise there is no bread or milk and you feel tired because you didn’t sleep well. 

The reason these ‘always happy’ nut jobs are so smiley all the time is because every time you click on their madness they get richer, so fuck them and the dentist that gave them the false smile, because that would make us mortals happy! 

Be human stay human, with all the ups and downs that come with that.

Pass the coffee!


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