Food for Thought

If there was a building in town that sold crack, crystal meth, heroin, cocaine and all that at reduced prices we’d be down there demonstrating outside the store(or in there buying).
Now just imagine that same store in a (roundabout) way being subsidized through our taxes.
Imagine that store being able to advertise their ‘wares’ to children and the rest of us through television radio and huge billboards, any thoughts?
Substitute all the drugs mentioned above with sugar ,fat and salt and you have your average food store.
Obesity is killing us softly and we let it happen, salt ,sugar and fat are the nice drugs ,the tasty drugs the legal drugs all washed down with a jerry can of colored sugar drink but they’ll kill you just the same, and their addiction rates are just as high as Heroin and Cocaine. That’s right folks, if you’re already obese you’re fucked, try as you may you are hooked- for life. For those of us that aren’t yet obese our time is a coming. Food manufacturers are after your money and as we speak they are looking at more and more ways to get more and more of us addicted to food.
Not obese? that’s just because they haven’t produced your drug of choice yet, but don’t worry your day will come. Food manufactures create almost twice the amount of food that we could possibly eat and they have hungry shareholders that feed on money (that’s why they call it ‘bread’) so they need to sell more of the shit they make to keep making profits ,so full or not you will be eating more in the near future.


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