Getting the 'likes'.

It has come to the stage that a politician can do (almost) whatever they want, whatever policy or decision that effects us and is detrimental to the planet and all our lives, as long as they post a photo on social media with them lovingly holding a kitten ,or eating the newest food trend, or saying how much they love Adele's new album they will probably be elected. 
Politics has become the (less) popular arm of the entertainment industry, and we watch and dope ourselves up on a constant stream of other shit that hits us on all sorts of media and 'smart-phone' 'content' and in the end we can't tell reality from fiction and good from bad, it just all becomes a tickertape of nonsense,useful only as a means to get some 'likes' or 'followers' or an emoticon posted on our page by someone calling themselves 'friend' when we haven't even met them.
Welcome to our little 'Brave New World' now take the pill and shut the f*** up!


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