The unsociable ape.

It’s not a case of being uninspired,it’s just that I have nothing more to say. Nothing, I don’t know how to solve muslim terror, just as I do not know how to stop corporate greed from making the planet unihabitable. I just do not have the answers to anything, and why should I ? I don’t run for any political office, I try to get likes on my facebook and twitter accounts that’s all, and to get likes you don’t need answers you just need random comments, knowledge of the given subject isn't necessary, and the less politically correct the better. 
I should stay away from social media, it makes me unsociable, but I can’t. I tell myself it’s part of my job, to be ‘out there’ and ‘in the mix’, but it’s not - I’m a comedian and it’s that what I am known for, not for my political stance or solutions -those I do not have. 
That’s why I write this blog, silly as it is, it’s just one more way of being ‘out there’ and ‘in the mix’ being part of the modern world and showing that I have something to say. Yeah baby. 
On holiday, in a remote part of Wales and walking 4 or 5 hours a day in the untouched beauty of nature puts all the ranting and raving on social media in the insanity bin where it belongs. Just to think that it goes on all day and night millions and millions of people, ranting and raving on line. Politics, menus, holiday photos, pictures of their cats-children and self, jokes,comments and news that is total nonsense to anybody but themselves, millions and millions of people screaming for attention. Just the thought that it is neverending and constant, a tickertape of where our evolution has taken us, it’s mindblowing and sad at the same time. 
We all seem to have become internet crack whores, addicted to being on line, we want to share our experiences with everyone as soon as we experience them, in fact we have no time to get the full experience bacause we are busy sharing it with others who are also sharing theirs, we’re not interested in theirs , they aren’t interested in ours but we share, it’s like a cry of “I might be on holiday, or out of town at the moment but I’m still alive, please don’t forget me”. This we send to people we don’t know or have never met. 
Sooner or later this will have an evolutionary effect on us, we will become a new sort of homo sapien, what? let’s wait and see - I’ll just stick to the old version,I don’t need an update. So remember when you read my posts, it’s just random thoughts, I have no solutions or answers all I have is a laptop and a connection and some hours to kill. 


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