The psychopaths career opportunity.

So within the next couple of weeks the UK will be run by a woman (again) no problem with that most politicians are all sexless zombies- dick or no dick, gender doesn't come into it, it's all about policies.
It's just been such a helter-skelter couple of weeks, it's a good job there was football on TV to keep us calm and sedated while this non-violent political coup was taking place. We get what we deserve, more people watch football than they do news or politics, so don't come running and crying when the shit starts flying around.
Europe is deteriorating fast, but it's summer. In the summer we get back to more or less normality, the essence of being human, enjoyment and laziness! and  we don't give a shit about what politicians are doing.We just want to get away, lie on a beach, go for walks, paint the kitchen, tidy up the garage, bbq ourselves to early death ,anything but be involved.
That's us ,that's humans, we pay politicians to take care of everything-  we take no  responsibility ,but the politicians better do the job right or we'll de-select them at the next election. Who would ever want to be a politician? - psychopaths that's who!
Just look at politicians, even the fresh faced ones, after one term in office they look like shit, or have to have work done to look presentable,but they are psychopaths, they are the type of people that just hunger for power, adoration and being important. We get mad leaders because nobody in their right mind would do the job.
Trying to sort the mess out that generation upon generation have created, are you kidding me??? Why do they lie to us? because if they told the truth they wouldn't get elected ,that's why. If a politician said "I might need some help here, the situation is really fucked people, I can't handle it, it's too complicated, you might all need to listen up and help solve the problem" would he/she/it be elected? no they wouldn't and why? because we are lazy, we are Sapiens- still longing just to be left alone with enough food ,sex and entertainment, lie under our tree and lick our balls.
So go ahead, blame politicians, I'll be first to do that, because they do screw up, but remember they are the only ones who want to do the job, and because of that we should know that they are not right in their mind. So don't be surprised, just think, "this psychopath is past it's sell by date, we should elect the next one, they're usually 'ok' for the first couple of years, we'll get another one"


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