Tired of it.
10th of June - tired of it all.
I’m so tired of having an opinion on everything and then having to defend the opinion, as if my opinion actually matters. It doesn’t, none of it does.
Social media takes all arguments and turns them into self destructing shit storms. Like bar fights where everyone joins in not knowing how it ever got started.
‘Keyboard warriors’ are everywhere, some cowardly, some with false names, fanning the flames, looking for new victims to get more likes, using every possible interpretation of words to ‘catch somebody out’ then out them as ‘part of the problem’. Then sometimes the anger which is created spills out on the streets where keyboards can’t control it.
By the way, I’m not thinking of any one side here, just general.
So much stuff being ‘thrown out with the bath water’, everyone trying to be the purest of the pure in all the arguments, trying to bring others down so that they themselves can climb up the ‘like’ stakes.
Does anyone listen anymore? Does anyone listen to what others are trying to explain, or must everything be analysed to find fault instead of trying to find common ground.
It’s tiring, it’s time consuming and it doesn’t help. Real problems and valid arguments get minced up, confused and end up in petty arguments.
Forget one ‘meme’ or hashtag or forget to adjust your profile picture to the ‘problem of the day’ and you become part of the problem, your values could be questioned.
All so tiring.
And by the way, I don’t need a black rectangle on my profile to stand-up to racism or bigotry.
In the 70’s we wore lots of badges to define our ‘punk attitude’ my favourite badge was ‘Wearing Badges Doesn’t help’…..
I think that applies to profile pictures, hashtags and other social media false identities.
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