Boredom helps.

Following all the social distancing rules so as not to get infected with Corona is one thing, staying sane is another. I know one thing, for me, social media isn’t doing it. ‘They’ say that social media is a good way of staying in touch with loved ones etc, is it? Whatever happened to giving them a call? Do we need social media to stay in contact? Not really, it’s a myth. We don’t need social media to stay in touch we have phones, zoom calls, or Skype. It’s just a ploy to get us to scroll up and down FB, Twitter, and Instagram and the likes, the longer they keep us hooked to their screen the better it is for the data fishing algorithms. They milk us for data like farmers' milk cows. I recently asked myself -in all honesty- to write down what benefit or good I get from being on Twitter for example. First I tried to kid myself that I get news updates and get to read the views of people I respect etc, all nonsense, of course, I can follow those people and news media on their web...